The protagonist of this story, Mr. Harmless Bullet, is a sort of 21st-century Don Quixote, searching for his soul mate, Sobekneferu—an idolized crocodile dream woman from Egypt (whose beauty is matched only by her unpronounceable name).

Bullet is tired of living up to everyone's expectations. He wants to explore and experience life without feeling controlled by his past relationships, including his ex-wife, Martha. But every time he tries to break free, he fails.

One day, at work, he runs into the wife of a local tycoon, Mr. Vegas. This meeting helps him solve a criminal case and also gives him a chance to escape from his homeland, Rsa (under dubious conditions: in an unconscious state and on the run from the law).

He faces obstacles that redefine ABSURDITY itself.

1) Crazy armadillos and extravagant peacocks

2) Anaconda Asunción, who might give you a hug you'll never forget

3) Sobekneferu Cyborg—because why not?

In one sentence: This is the world where Indiana Jones meets Borat in an adult version of Alice in Wonderland.

Genre: absurdist comedy, satire (written with the Tristan Tzara method)

Where to read? TABLE OF CONTENTS

Time: during 4-5 months (free)

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