Table of Contents - BULLET'S ADVENTURE
This is the world where Indiana Jones meets Borat in an adult version of Alice in Wonderland!
This is the world where Indiana Jones meets Borat in an adult version of Alice in Wonderland!
Forget the money... Welcome to ‘Lotus Land,’ filled with silky ropes and bed gondolas (16+)
The terrace—where private investigators dance with danger and where our story takes a twist deserving of the Oscar spotlight.
Of his bones are coral made - said Shakespeare :)
A princess and an armadillo with long hair? This criminal case is getting weirder by the minute...
Finding the killer is no easy task... but what if you could get $100,000 and meet someone who can outshine Margaret Thatcher's photo?
Where the hero finds himself caught up in a sun-drenched saga filled with mistaken identities, elusive bikinis, suspicious father figures, and generally awkward situations...